
Hi, I'm Matt!

I study Data Science & UX at Cornell

exploring | building | growing

About Me


Student at Cornell University from Long Island, NY

Major: Information Science, Systems, and Technology (Data Science & UX concentrations)

Minor: Dyson Business Minor for Engineers (Entrepreneuership concentration)

Passionate about creating products that have a positive impact on others


President of Cornell AppDev

Cornell Kessler Fellow

Product Managmement Intern @ Pepper (Summer 2024)


FinTech & Sports Tech



Favorite Reads:

When Breath Becomes Air - Paul Kalanithi

Atomic Habits - James Clear

Steve Jobs - Walter Isaacson


Some projects that I've recently completed


What I've done in the past and what I'm up to right now


Cornell AppDev

Capital One


Product Management Intern

3rd PM on the team in charge of $3 billion convenience store distribution space expansion. Selected as 1 of 15 Cornell Kessler Fellows.


Leading an amazing team of 50+ developers, designers, and marketers to give back to the Cornell community through AppDev's 3 core values: build & deliver, teach & inspire, and open & share.

Product Management Intern

Spoke with 15+ stakeholders and created prioritization frameworks for 3 teams. Roadmapped future work for the next year.

Client Engineering & Technical Sales Intern

Managed the end-to-end deployment of IBM Watson chat algorithms for 3 clients, enhancing their user purchase rate by 41%.


Click the titles in the boxes on the right to read the full pieces on Medium

Interning at a Startup

Why I think working at a small, scrappy company is more fulfilling than a big tech job.

What's the Best Way to Make Progress?

If you can maximize the A to D path then you can make immense progress like no other.

Living and working in the nation's capital

How I spent my summer in Washington DC, why I loved it, and why I'll never go back.

What Makes a Fulfilling College Career?

Friends, classes, clubs, Greek life, professors? My opinions and advice from graduating seniors